Sunday 25 August 2013

Memorable TV Character Deaths

The way I relate to a TV show can depend entirely on the characters of the show. Love them or hate them, the characters reel me in and keep me holding on to dear life, sometimes forgetting that they are in fact fictional. It seems as though every time I fall in love with a character, the writers decide to bury him six feet under.
In saying this though, I think there should be a universal rule that you do not kill off a TV character that I – I mean the viewers – have invested in. Of course as you will learn by the time you reach my number one, this rant and subsequent post is entirely due to a certain Aussie drama, that a couple of weeks ago ruined my TV viewing experience!
 **SPOILER ALERT: If you don’t have Foxtel or are behind in the times, you may want to stop reading!**


How I met Your Mother – Season 6 Episode 13 – Marvin Eriksen (Marshalls Dad)

While Marshalls Dad wasn't a beloved character of mine, it was still a little bit of a shock for such a light hearted comedy TV show to kill off a character. Although I will admit, this one made my top five because of the story behind it. 

Photo Courtesy of EntertainmentWeekly

Jason Segel was given a copy of the Season 6 Episode 13 script that said when Lily climbed out of the cab in the final moments; she would announce that she was pregnant. Meanwhile the producers had given the other actors a different script, one that had the real ending. The second script had Lily tell Marshall that his father had passed away from a heart attack. The producers had wanted the reaction to be real, and the shock on Jason Segel’s face in the scene is actually from him learning that Bill Fagerbakke, who played Marshalls father, was leaving the show. See the article here at IMDB Trivia.


Greys Anatomy – Season 5 Episode 24 – George O’Malley

When Meredith makes the connection that the horribly disfigured man who has been hit by a bus is actually George, it’s pretty safe to say I was at a loss for words. George was like the little orphaned puppy dog that you couldn't stand to see punished or neglected, which is why his untimely death was such a shock to the Grey’s Anatomy world. Of course it wasn't so much the fact a character died and was taken from our TV screens; it was the fact that it was our Georgie boy!

Photo Courtesy of Examiner


Sons of Anarchy – Season 5 Episode 3 – Opie Winston

There have been a few SOA character deaths, but by far the most upsetting was when Harry ‘Opie’ Winston died. I think I’m not the only one to admit that a little part of me died as we watched Jax Teller’s reaction to his childhood friend be beaten to death. I will also admit that this was one of the SOA episodes that made me shed a few tears, although that’s no real admission, I cry in just about everything! None the less, Opie would have been my second favourite SAMCRO member making it all the while harder for me to say goodbye; and apparently all the while easier for the writers to kill him off.

Photo Courtesy of The Angst Report


Game of Thrones – Season 3 Episode 9 – The Red Wedding

If there is one thing I have learnt in this TV series it’s that you should NOT get invested in any character. I could point out numerous examples of this; however the best one would have to be The Red Wedding. It seems the only characters Game of Thrones writers are willing to keep alive, are the ones I hate and want to die miserably *Ahem Joffrey Ahem**
The Red Wedding is by far the biggest shock of the series for me; my favourite Stark brother, his pregnant wife, loving mother, not to mention their faithful Winterfell following. I can safely say that had there have been a camera there filming my reaction, you would have heard the words “Oh My God, No Way, OH. MY. GOD.” repeated a few thousand times!

Photo Courtesy of NYDailyNews


Offspring – Season 4 Episode 12 – Patrick Reid

Where do I even start? Offspring writers, YOU SUCK. I think that pretty much says it all. You spent two seasons playing with our heart strings, the back and forth, the will they won’t they, you get them together you break them up, you make us fall in love with Patrick and then FINALLY when all is well in Nina’s life, you go and do something like THAT!
For me killing Patrick Reid can be summed up in three words. WORST. EPISODE. EVER. I can deal with Marshalls Dad, George, Opie and even half the cast of Game of Thrones, but I cannot handle the fact that there is no more Patrick. And for all you offspring lovers out there, I don’t care that he will be in the dream sequences; it is not even close to being the same!

As it would turn out, I'm not the only Offspring fan who was angered by Dr Reids demise! - Check out the reactions and comments from Blogger fans at Dear Pop Culture

Photo Courtesy of Mamamia

So how do my memorable TV character Deaths rate against your own favourites? and is there one TV character you wish you could bring back from their TV grave? No doubt you all know who mine is...


  1. Can't say that I do. Over the past several years I've stopped watching TV, and don't even have a functioning TV. When analogue was switched off, that really was the end of it. I stopped watching TV to reduce the amount of English I was exposing myself to while trying to improve my skills in another language. Now I don't even miss it.

    1. I don't know if I would be able to give up some of my TV shows, although I suppose if I did I could avoid the anger and heartbreak of watching my favourite characters die!
